Commander | Open Sourced Admin Panel

refer to: Commander | Open Sourced Admin Panel - #281 by 7kayoh

Cant use discord due to family. Google doc? Or?

I don’t have a Google account soooo.

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Dms on devforum? i wanna see all the packages gonna use this for a roleplay game

Hi, I use this tool in one of the places I have been commissioned to build and It’s pretty awesome!

One thing I’d like to state though, is that receiving PM’s sometimes does not work unfortunately.


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To open the admin panel do I just press ;? I already turned on API Requests and Published the game.

If that’s what the keybind you set as then yes, if not, use whatever key you changed it to in settings. If it doesn’t appear you may not have added yourself as admin or you set it up wrong.

Ok, thank you! If it doesn’t work, I’ll just reply here if it still doesn’t work. Thanks again.

Perfect, but we need new discord server link. :wink:

I have wrote an article about me explaining why did I pull the kill switch to Commander 4 and what will I do next with Commander 5. If you are interested, read it here.


It works amazingly in studio, but the icon won’t even appear in Roblox outside studio.

  • And your discord server link is invalid

Visit the social link on the old group, it’s still valid for the new discord:!/about

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I love commander! But I have sugestion:
Please add music function to commander.

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why my commander not work in real game but in studio

Try publishing your game or enabling HTTP Requests and DataStore access as some functions may not work in-game entirely unless updated.

the admin system is epic i just have a few things i noticed theyre not like game breaking stuff its just little things i found that don’t really look right and i dont mean to complain im just pointing stuff out that mightve gone unnoticed:
1: This doesn’t really make sense:

2: I think it should be them instead of then (I SWEAR IM NOT GRAMMAR POLICE)
3: When you have dark mode on the search bar is light and i know its very small:
but yea i really vibe with it tho

It’s actually still against the rules to use exploits in your own game, no matter the purpose. Just a little heads-up

It’s not like anyone will notice… But following rules is nice :slight_smile:

Edit: Sorry for bumping, didn’t realize!

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Exploiting is against the rules. Period. You can’t do it anytime, anywhere, in anyway. And that includes testing anti-cheats and exploits for your Roblox games.

Unless it’s in their game and wasn’t loaded using an executor, which I’d hope they did.

Hey, kinda want to announce something here:

Unfortunately, as I am really busy with my own job in real life, I am unable to spend any of my time on working on Commander, hence I decided to look for a new maintainer, which will be in charge of the main development of Commander V2.

I’ve invited one of my developer buddies, octale (octomatics in Roblox) to be in charge of the development of Commander, making him the Lead Maintainer of this project!

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