[COMMS CLOSED] ceurry - Experienced Graphics/GFX Designer!

hey, add me on Discord.


Unfortunately, my commissions are currently closed. Please wait until mine are open again!

Nice prices! Also, just wanna say that I think you misspelled important. Well, I mean except if you meant to type that.


I’m interested in hiring you! I’ve sent you a friend request. :smile:

My tag should end with “8185”.

Since your comms are closed, please accept my request when they are open again. :wink:

WHOOPS. Thank you! I was pretty clumsy.

Curryriced is a phenomenal GFX artist, he got my order done in under a day, and made good communication with progress updates every now and then. I definitely recommend him for your graphic needs! :smile:

Added you on discord, looking to hire!

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Got it, thanks!

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I don’t believe that you’ve added me yet, so I’ve sent you a friend request instead.

I have made a portfolio revamp so that it looks more appealing! Previous version was not very good-looking and rather messy. Enjoy the revamp!

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Are your commissions still closed?

Unfortunately yes due to an influx of commissions. :frowning:

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