Compatibility Lighting becomes Retro Tone Mapping [Sunset + Migration]

Add brightness clamping back, you guys have ruined my game! It’s either too dark, or too bright I’m extremely IRRITATED because of this UPDATE. I can’t even work on my dancefloor BECAUSE YOU RUINED IT. I don’t even wanna make games on this trash platform

Dude look at your feedback and revert the update! Or add brightness clamping back, thanks for ruining my game dude it means a lot I SPENT 2 YEARS ON IT. Now I don’t even wanna continue on it because the dancefloor is too bright, or too dark, dude I’m so irritated at you guys RIGHT NOW! REVERT THE UPDATE PLEASE! OR ADD BRIGHTNESS CLAMPING BACK, PLEASE!

well, hopefuly roblox feels better about themselves because what am i supposed to do now?
legacy, compatibility isnt in studio anymore (well you can still force compatibility but still)
great job making users mad and sad.

and also it just made the games look more realistic imo, old materials were actually better

yeah ik that compatibility is yet possible to have in live experiences i wont say how or they will patch it but its simple

the new lighting update makes it impossible to force compatibility, so yeah, it will be fixed this year. we will say goodbye to compatibility forever.

(Let There Be (Unified) Light! Unified Lighting Enters Studio Beta)


It is possible to return old materials yourself, but you will need a little ingenuity, the ideal look will not be achieved, but something similar is possible.
(Help with recreate old plastic material)

it was nice while it lasted, im pretty much over the removal of compatibility but it was a fun thing you could do

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it’s possible that Roblox can add something with this, maybe even the old lighting(?)

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they wont they dont give a shete about their legacy… and they dont care about us developers that need these older graphics…

There’s always an excuse on how it’s holding back new features (we can’t move on because of …) or how these are apparently flawed or incorrect (there was a bug where …) and can no longer be sustained xD

Found this emulator and it replicates the compatibility lighting very well.

Here’s the link:


I’ve used this can confirm. Also works best when you put that script as a local script instead.

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I’m not asking again you better add brightness clamp to this game, or I’m going to sue this company for missconduct, failure marketing and scamming from people paying tons of money for limiteds, when others can pay 20. And I will win the lawsuit against you guys, so add brightness clamping back

Or you’ll regret this. ADD BRIGHTNESS CLAMP BACK, OR REVERT THE UPDATE! We’ve been telling you dude, do you listen? I’m still frustrated at this update thanks for ruining my game dude I appreciate it.

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I think it would be a good idea to add the brightness clamp back. I also think it would be nice to be able to switch between a modern Roblox materials BRDF to a Phong shader and be able to adjust the color of the material’s specular highlight while ignoring metalness. This would help create unrealistic graphics in games with a cartoon style (which many popular games strive for)

The phong shader seems to be quite cheap in terms of performance, it can be forced to be used on low-end devices. again having the ability to switch the phong to a modern shader and back at the dev’s wish

Roblox do not care. when they remove or “deprecate” something they never give us back an 1:1 alternative. Legacy lightning never got an 1:1 alternative since they messed up how neons looked. before Voxel, shadowmap, compatibility, and future neons used to look good and vibrant now.
now they look like crap and look like they were designed for 10 year old hardware. just look at the max glow distance or the fact that glow goes away when the part is more transparent than 0.3. they also removed darker neon glow. MANY games relied on it. same for NEON blur MANY GAMES relied on it…

how the heck is it “holding” newer features. they could have stopped updating it WHILE letting us use it

Since we are now getting getting Unified Lighting, there is a small chance that they add brightness clamp an the old neons back.


Dude just add brightness clamping back otherwise I’ll goto the roblox HQ and scream at you guys. I’m sick and tired of you DOING POINTLESS UPDATES THAT NO ONE WANTS BRO! Just add brightness clamping back, don’t know why you removed it I’m tired of my lights and characters being too bright. YOU GOT already so much backlash! SO ADD IT BACK, like I’m getting frustrated at this point. YOU’VE ALREADY RUINED MY GAME DUDE. THAT I SPENT 2 YEARS ON? Are you happy about that, like seriously…