Confused with roproxy api

I want to check player’s online status with api, but I’ve found the differences within roproxy api and roblox api

Roblox api

{"GameId":"f552a838-918a-4a6e-b8a9-b79ecb2c8319","IsOnline":true,"LastLocation":"Playing a literal baseplate. ","LastOnline":"2022-12-03T21:13:42.947-06:00","LocationType":4,"PlaceId":4483381587,"VisitorId":506277893,"PresenceType":2,"UniverseId":null,"Visibility":0}

Roproxy api


It seems like roproxy api has shortened the results and how could I prevent that? Because I need to fetch the game id they’re playing. Thanks!

If they do not show the same results, you could try to host your own proxy on a server that is free so you know the results that you will receive.

What exactly is wrong with the current results? What do you mean by “shortened”?

Yes, as you can see, the placeid returns null

It might just be a problem with the proxy you are using. I suggest you look through it to see why it is returning that. I believe the proxy you are using is open source.

Have you considered hosting your own proxy?

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I will consider that, thanks a lot :slight_smile: !

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