You should look at the overall usage and monitor a memory in developer console and microprofiler to search for a problem and potential memory leaks. If there’s a lot of things on the map turn on streaming, also you can union some parts if there’s a lot of it, meshes should be preferred. You can disable the collisions and touch detection of things that doesn’t need it, remember to anchor everything unless needed to be not.
Thx for responding, I figured I’d try it in the tc with JUST the map and it does the same thing. The map’s only about 1m tris with 3.5k-4k parts and other maps with more than double don’t seem to have a similar problem at all. I also disabled every collission, touch detection and canquery on everything that has that property besides the baseplate so I could test and it still had the same problem. everything’s also anchored. Is there anything else that could possibly be wrong?
I also figured out it had nothing to do with any of my scripts as I did remove every script and tried it, and went to the tc with just the map