well it’s known as one of popular system mostly Roblox Developers need but none of them were actually good cuz:
Inverse Kinematics are buggy
produceral doesn’t work on crouch, run and mostly systems
if u are finding this as “Cframe” that also works NOT locally then u can download these models (1 lean 1 Cframe Movement 1 Massless Movement) and test it in ur game:
Lean = allow your torso to lean right and left Lean Torso Movement.rbxm (1.7 KB)
D Lerp Movement = allow your torso, legs, arms to lerp orientation using Cframe DLerpMovement.rbxm (3.1 KB)
Massless Movement = allow your character to become complete massless (except head) massless character.rbxm (790 Bytes)
goodluck learning from these, all 3 in StarterCharacterScripts (especially DLerp and Massless)