I fixed it up for you For Eternalove_fan32.rbxl (25.9 KB)
btw if you open up the output it’ll print your current health (rounded).
Oh, and merry christmas!
I fixed it up for you For Eternalove_fan32.rbxl (25.9 KB)
btw if you open up the output it’ll print your current health (rounded).
Oh, and merry christmas!
Thanks! Leave me give this a try, I was about to fix it myself, but a bit of help dosen’t hurts. Merry Christmas too!
(P.S.: Oh, the Vanilla icons are too good, I need them myself)
Ehm, I just forgot to say that I solved it, only that I forgot to deconnect the event at the end and to use maids.
Well, to solve it I played around with normal brickparts, then I tried to watch what was wrong in my code, I filtred out some parts and polished a little bit my code. Now (without maids and event deconnecting) it looks like this:
for _,Part in ipairs(workspace.Golem:GetChildren())do
if not Part:IsA("BasePart") then continue end
Part.Touched:Connect(function(hitpart) --If some part touches something
if not hitpart:IsDescendantOf(workspace.Golem) and hitpart.Parent:IsA("Model") then
local Test = Part
if not debounce then --If the player wasn't attacked (Else it will spam attack the player)
if hitpart.Parent:FindFirstChild("Humanoid") then --Control if the hitted Instance has a humanoid object
debounce = true
hitpart.Parent.Humanoid:TakeDamage(10) --If yes, it's a player and damage it
And with maids:
local maidClass = Maid.new()
local function GolemnHit(hitPart)
if not hitPart:IsDescendantOf(workspace.Golem) and hitPart.Parent:IsA("Model") then
if not debounce and hitPart.Parent:FindFirstChild("Humanoid") then
debounce = true
hitPart.Parent.Humanoid:TakeDamage(10) --If yes, it's a player and damage it
for _,Part in ipairs(Golem:GetChildren()) do
if not Part:IsA("BasePart") then continue end
print("Task given")
Now, I just need to integrate maids, But because you tried to help me I will mark it as solved. Thanks to all the others too!
What plugin do you used? Just asking this out of curiosity (It’s better PM because it else goes off topic)
For the icons? Just vscode-icons