Every time I try to make a request to https://ipinfo.io/json, my pcall responds with "HTTP 503 (Service Unavailable) ingame. However, every time I try this in studio it works fine. Also, my scripts on both the client and the server are running incredibly slowly (i have a while loop running every 5 seconds and it only runs once every few minutes). However, all of this is still only happening ingame and not in studio, including the slow scripts.
Thanks for the response. I have HTTP requests on already, this is why it works fine in studio. I made one topic because I feel both issues might be related, as both issues only occur ingame and not in studio.
It’s the same error, so yeah. I don’t see how this post could help me as there would be nothing we can do since it was a roblox error. I’m assuming this is an issue with roblox, which is why I put the 2 issues in 1 post as they were both only occurring in roblox and not studio. Also just got this, don’t know if it is related: