Constantly pathfind to the player without stutter?

have you tested this script with a regular default roblox avatar?
if so, and it works fine on that rig, it might be a rig issue for your rig your currently using

Instead of using a while loop you should be connecting repeating code to a RunService event, specifically Heartbeat.

wait() creates a 2 frame delay window between executions of the loop, you can decrease this to 1 frame by using task.wait() instead.

Heartbeat and Stepped as the above suggested would also be valid.

Before I even was making this game I was experimenting with regular rigs and an old version of the script I have now, same issue.

Will definitely try this! I hope it helps!

It didn’t work sorry :frowning_face: tried exactly that, still stutters. I’m beginning to wonder if the whole network ownership deal is to blame…

I had this same issue and eventually gave up solving it, No matter what I set the network ownership to it still stutters.

Piggy’s bots pathfind don’t they? They don’t seem to stutter, although it has been a while since I’ve played.

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They don’t stutter, mini toon is an amazing dev. I imagine that there is a way to solve this I just haven’t found it yet,

Well I have a tip that made it run smooth-er but it still lags every once in a while. Although I don’t know whether or not that’s related to me using .Heartbeat now. Tip: Use script.Parent.PrimaryPart:CanSetNetworkOwner(true)

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Your script doesn’t contain 1/2 of what you need to pathfind.

This script uses a modual script. Any bot you want to use it requires it. It’s un-copylocked

Hike Ball - Roblox

What does your script do different from mine? If you want the full script, here it is full script -

The routines where written by KingSomebody… They work. A ReadME explains why you usualy want to go to every-other waypoint.

This one patrols…

If chasing a Player I would just go two poins away and then call another pathfind.

I wrote the Read Path routine: You must hadle any errors it returns. I have some clumsy hadeling of some which I am sure that you can improve on…

We stand on the shoulders of giants…

function ReturnPath(start, finish, MaxDist)

local path = pathfinding:ComputeRawPathAsync(start, finish, MaxDist)
print (path.Status)

if path.Status == Enum.PathStatus.FailFinishNotEmpty then
	local dist = (finish - start).magnitude
	while dist > 8 and path.Status == Enum.PathStatus.FailFinishNotEmpty do

finish = start + (finish - start)/1.5
path = pathfinding:ComputeRawPathAsync(start, finish, MaxDist)
dist = (finish - start).magnitude

		local part ="Part", Workspace)

	part.FormFactor = Enum.FormFactor.Custom
	part.Size =,4,4)
	part.CFrame =
	part.Shape = "Ball"
	part.Anchored = true
	part.CanCollide = false
	part.BrickColor = BrickColor.Red() 
	table.insert(Showed, part)

	end -- room to manuveur?
	Bot.ShowPath (start, finish)
end -- finish error

if path.Status == Enum.PathStatus.FailStartNotEmpty
or 	   path.Status == Enum.PathStatus.ClosestNoPath	then

start = start +,0,4)
path = pathfinding:ComputeRawPathAsync(start, finish, MaxDist)

	if  path.Status == Enum.PathStatus.FailStartNotEmpty
	or  path.Status == Enum.PathStatus.ClosestNoPath then
		start = start +,0,-4)
		path = pathfinding:ComputeRawPathAsync(start, finish, MaxDist)
	if  path.Status == Enum.PathStatus.FailStartNotEmpty
		or  path.Status == Enum.PathStatus.ClosestNoPath  then
		start = start +,0,-4)
		path = pathfinding:ComputeRawPathAsync(start, finish, MaxDist)
	if  path.Status == Enum.PathStatus.FailStartNotEmpty
		or  path.Status == Enum.PathStatus.ClosestNoPath  then
		start = start +,0,-4)
		path = pathfinding:ComputeRawPathAsync(start, finish, MaxDist)


end -- start error?

return path
end–Return Path

The formatting is broken, and also right now I’m trying to focus on why it’s stuttering. It’s like the biggest issue at the moment.

It is stuttering, because you are not waiting to get to a waypoint b4 aiming for the next, almost imediately.

Just go to the page and modify the script to your liking…

Bot.FindPath = function(finish, PointM, MaxPoint, MaxDist)
local MaxPoint = MaxPoint or 1
local PointM = PointM or 1
local MaxDist = MaxDist or 100
local Am = 1

local path = ReturnPath(Tor.Position, finish, MaxDist)	

– local path = pathfinding:ComputeRawPathAsync(Tor.Position, finish, MaxDist)

local points = path:GetPointCoordinates()

local Impeded = nil
local LastDist = -1	-- Initialize old Distance
local skip = false
local ListEnd = #points

for i, point in pairs(points) do
	if Am == PointM then
		local j = 24 -- deadman's clutch
		if not skip or i == ListEnd then-- hack for diagonal - Reduces resolution/accuracy by half though...

Hum:MoveTo(point + (point - Tor.Position).unit)
–skip = true

			if Tor.Position.y < point.y - 4 then  -- If next point is more than 5 studs above us
				Hum.Jump = true 
				  j = j - 1
				wait(.07) -- better place for wait; before measuring distance: Old way had old informatin for "Until" check.
				TorP = Tor.Position
				distance = (, TorP.y, point.z) - TorP).magnitude -- are-we-there-yet
				Impeded = math.abs(distance - LastDist)
				LastDist = distance

			until distance < 2.3 or Impeded < .002 or j < 1  -- Impeded: a way-out of logic for Bot,who is at an impass.
			skip = false
		end -- Diagonal?

if j < 1 then
print (“Too Long in get-there loop”)
Hum.Jump = true

		if Impeded < .001 then -- 'Impeded' accuarcy.
			Hum.Jump = true  -- Jump to get-up high stairs (risers).
		end -- Impeded?

	end -- Am
	if Am == MaxPoint then
		Am = 1
		Am = Am + 1
end -- for

end – func

Bot.FindDynamicPath = function(finish)
local path = pathfinding:ComputeRawPathAsync(Tor.Position, finish, 500)
local points = path:GetPointCoordinates()
local point = points[1]
if point then
distance = (point - Tor.Position).magnitude
until distance < 3

Bot.ShowPath = function(start, finish)
local path = pathfinding:ComputeRawPathAsync(start, finish, 500)
local points = path:GetPointCoordinates()
for _, point in pairs(points) do
local part =“Part”, Workspace)
part.FormFactor = Enum.FormFactor.Custom
part.Size =,2,2)
part.CFrame =
part.Anchored = true
part.CanCollide = false
part.BrickColor = BrickColor.Blue()
table.insert(Showed, part)

Bot.ClearPaths = function()
for i,v in pairs(Showed) do
Showed[i] = nil

Bot.GetBackwardsCoordinates = function(Path)
local BackPath = {}
local points = Path:GetPointCoordinates()
for i = NumTab(points), 1, -1 do
table.insert(BackPath, points[1])
return BackPath

Bot.GetBackwardsPath = function(Path)
local points = Path:GetPointCoordinates()
local finish = points[1]
local start = points[#points]
return pathfinding:ComputeRawPathAsync(start, finish, 500)

Bot.MovePlayer = function(Player, finish)
local Char = Player.Character
local Tor = Char.Torso
local Hum = Char.Humanoid
local path = pathfinding:ComputeRawPathAsync(Tor.Position, finish, 500)
local points = path:GetPointCoordinates()
local point = points[1]
if point then
distance = (point - Tor.Position).magnitude
until distance < 3
Bot.MovePlayer(Player, finish)

return Bot

Two other things are in these scripts which answer your original Subject line, “Constantly…”

It is always a good idea to aim beyond the next point and to move-on to the next point, before actually reaching the present one.

Two other non-roblox pathfinds which work… I’m somewhat of a collector.

SimplePath - Pathfinding Module - Resources / Community Resources - DevForum | Roblox

n another post, we are working on translating (From Unity. Call me…) a pathfind on a spherical object. That is going to take a few weeks…

Side note: Why does no one use Paathfinding scripts recommended by Roblox:

Pathfinding - Roblox

Okay, I might have came up with a good idea, but I’m not sure.
So, I have noticed that the new path is computed after the humanoid finishes the segment of the previous path. It takes a bit of time, so the humanoid is forced to stop for a small amount of time.
But, what if the new path is computed while the humanoid is walking to one of the waypoints? I think this way you’d be able to get around the small delay that occurs when creating a new path.

Pathfinding has a delay, instead you should check if the Monster bumps into a wall, then use Pathfinding.

in my game i just changes the WaypointSpacing on Agent Parameters to 10 and change the MoveToFinished:Wait() into repeat wait() until dist <= 10

you might also want to change a few components in the Agent Parameters to make it not stuck on trees.

this one is a bonus but you can add a raycast from the NPC to the player, if the raycast hit then don’t use pathfind and just walk straight to the player else use pathfind. that way it wouldn’t lag too much.

using this the NPC in my game doesnt stutter and pathfind correctly.

for reference on Agent Parameters

My issue with this solution is just the fact that, if the player is above to NPC and the NPC’s raycast can still see the player, the NPC won’t even attempt to get up to the player. I want the NPC to be smart and attack from anywhere.