Convert GUI - Beta 1.6[Stopped]

Thanks for the information, I will look at it right away

I have looked at the Pugin, but I am not very enthusiastic. Yes it can do more, but mine can do the little better.

I am glad to present you ConvertGuiBeta, which is always the latest version, but may still contain bugs.

That’s two more than the old ones, but unfortunately not yet the old ones. I’m still trying to add the frame today. If this is an update, Convert Gui 3 will have more features than Reclass and 3 more than the others. But not all conversion types are built in yet. Now I don’t waste time talking but add the frame.

In this beta version are already included additionally:

Attachments for the Undo function. -Not usable
Complete and working search function.
Converted conversion function.
Attachments for the multiselect function - Not usable.
There are no known bugs.

Made safer with pcall


Due to recoding, only VideoFrame, ViewportFrame, ScreenGui,BillboardGui and SurfaceGui to VideoFrame, ViewportFrame, ScreenGui,BillboardGui and SurfaceGui can be converted. - But thanks to reprogramming I can add new conversion functions faster.


I upload my raw version to my private plugin. If it has no bugs, it will be included in the beta version. If all the things I want are included, I upload it to the main plugin.



Thanks, unfortunately I don’t have the time to continue. But I will try to add some new conversion features today - on ConverGuiBeta.