for i = 120, 0, -1 do
Status.Value = "<b>" .. i .. "</b> left"
What is Status:
Status is a value in ReplicatedStorage which shows the current announcement or whatever at the top of all the players screens.
120 is amount of seconds, but if it will just show the seconds of course as there is no seconds to minutes conversion. I saw some fourms but I wasen’t sure how to set it up, when I did I failed. Any help would help me out.
If it helps to resolve this, the UI that shows the status simply does a while wait() loop for setting the text the value of Status.
function Format(Int)
return string.format("%02i", Int)
function convertToHMS(Seconds)
local Minutes = (Seconds - Seconds%60)/60
Seconds = Seconds - Minutes*60
local Hours = (Minutes - Minutes%60)/60
Minutes = Minutes - Hours*60
return Format(Hours)..":"..Format(Minutes)..":"..Format(Seconds)
for i = 120, 0, -1 do
Status.Value = "<b>" .. convertToHMS(i) .. "</b> left"
For future audiences,
I now realize I forgot to provide attribution to where I initially adapted this code from.
Here is the original reply where, I adapted the code from.