Converting direction to a orientation

Here is an example of using a raycast to orient a part according to the surface normal using the advanced CFrame trick to rotate from the parts current UpVector to the floors normal vector.

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Thanks for this explanation it helps of understanding it but just can’t seem how to use the cross product
am I suppose to use it like this


What am I suppose to put on variable1? direction, orientation,position of one of the surfaces? I believe its direction
and whatever it is it returns an orientation I’m guessing

Reading this post helped me a bit but why did you use a dot product? isn’t that to return a individual unit vector saying where is the position of part1 from part0 from like in a orientation perspective I believe

–note using part1 and part0 as a example

Hi do you still have that game so I can experiment with it it will really help me

The script should still be in that post I linked. just copy and paste it into an anchored part and then run it and see how it goes.

Any part will do but I chose a wedge since you can see where it’s pointing kinda.

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