Copuni | 3D Artist

Hey I am interested in your work. I’ll add you on discord: Venturia123#1029

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Your work looks amazing! I just added you on discord my name is cactus#5628

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Just sent you a friend request! Looking forward to talking with you! (Im rosscko btw)

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Sent a friend request I am Paciferous10#1677.

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I’m interested in your work, but you haven’t accepted my friend request for Discord. I’m BaconPoutine#0001.

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hello I need you to help me on a project it takes little time if you are willing to accept me the request for discord

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These look very detailed and nice. I really love your models. The Armor looks great. Looking forward to commision you.

Added you on Discord, my user is Brigade#9307. Mind if you accept the friend request?

Great models! You have some real talent but mind contacting me? ThatNoobDev#9184

I’ve contacted you on discord, my tag is Omni#4786 hope to speak soon.

Are you open for hire? How much do you charge, in Robux, for a custom rig?

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I am interested. Added you on Discord. gg 300+#0001

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Hey, how much for some guns modelled? I’d need quite a few, per gun price?

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Sent you a friend request on discord. I’m KentuckyTowTrucky#4108

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Added you my discord is
Tinapay lalaki #2728

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Worked with copuni on my current project, worked faster than anyone I ever hired before.

100% would recommend to anyone else :+1:


I’ve sent you a request on discord! I hope to commission you soon.

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