Costad ✦ Public Handbook 2024

Hej! Welcome to the Costad 2023 Handbook! :wave:

:coffee: We’re Costad:
Costad is an upcoming virtual café roleplay group aiming to create an immersive, unique experience. Community is a core component of how we operate, Costad is proud to possess a welcoming, safe and enjoyable experience for everyone.

:question: What is this?
The information in this handbook is essential for all of Costad’s daily operations, it contains all of the necessary rules, guides, documents, and links that will be highly beneficial when starting your Barista career with us or becoming a star community member.

We’ve conveniently organized this handbook into various titles, so you can quickly locate the required information you require.

:page_facing_up: General Documentation:

💚 Community Code of Conduct:

We are constantly trying to maintain a safe, welcoming, and enjoyable experience for all of our players. This is why it’s mandatory that everyone who plays our games abides by the rules we’ve put in place.

1 | You’re username and display name must not bypass the filter, you will be automatically banned from all of our facilities.

2 | Your avatar must be wearing appropriate attire. Any articles of clothing must not contain:

  • Discriminatory language or imagery, (racism, sexism, etc.)
  • Foul language and imagery.
  • Transparent or see-through material.

You will be given a few minutes to correct your avatar’s appearance before being removed from the server.

3 | Trolling is prohibited at all of our facilities. This includes ordering heinous items that are not listed on the menu, harassing Baristas and Customers in a ‘comedic’ sarcastic way, and causing major disruption.

  • This does not include talking in full caps.

4 | Attempting to export in any of our facilities is strictly prohibited, this will result in an immediate, unappealable ban.

5 | Advertisement is not allowed unless authorized by an SHR. You will be banned from all of our facilities.

6 | Spamming either in-game, communications server, or group wall is not allowed and you will be either muted, kicked, or banned.

7 | Racist or Discriminative language of any sort is strictly prohibited and will be dealt with by an immediate ban.

8 | When ordering at the cafe, you are limited to only four items at a time. You will be politely reminded if you exceed this limit.

9 | You will be unsuccessful in joining the cafe if your account is under 15 days old. This rule is in place to prevent any possible trollers from returning on new accounts.

10 | Because most of our staff are unable to monitor the talk in languages that aren’t English, we ask that everyone chats in English. If you can’t we will try our best to translate what you are saying and fulfill your needs.

🕑 Sessions:

Costad only conducts training sessions on Monday, Wednesday, Friday, and Saturday. This is so our staff can have regular breaks.

7:00AM EST / 12:00PM BST
12:00PM EST / 5:00PM BST
5:00PM EST / 10:00PM BST

If your timezone isn’t listed on here, you can use a converting website online.

:briefcase: For Baristas:

🧑‍🍳 Kitchen Guide:

Costad’s Kitchen Guide will be released when V1 releases. Stay tuned!

📑 Staff Guidelines:

As a Costad Barista, you’ve undergone training to ensure that you understand how to handle serving customers and making their orders. Additionally, you were given a summarised list of the rules you must abide by as a Costad Barista. Below you can find the list in full detail:

1 | When in the kitchen space, you must always utilize correct grammar and spelling. When you leave the kitchen space, it is no longer required.

2 | Your intro and outro should be easily accessible so the customer doesn’t have to wait a long time. We suggest having a notes app open in another window! :memo:

3 | You shouldn’t make the customer wait more than four minutes for their order. One minute = One item. If you are struggling to make an item, either refer to the Kitchen Guide or ask a fellow Barista for some help!

4 | You cannot go AFK when standing in the kitchen or standing behind a register. If you need to go away for a brief moment, go to the Staff Room.

5 | Serving customers the wrong order on purpose is not allowed and could potentially lead to being demoted. If you’ve accidentally given the customer something else, quickly make the correct item for them.

6 | Trollers are only issued one warning at Costad before you contact assistance. Either find one in-game, on the group wall, or in the communications server.

🌟 Barista Tier Guide:

Costad has three possible Barista tiers you can achieve through hard work and dedication.

Junior Barista | This is obtained by passing your first training session.

Skilled Barista | This is obtained by passing your second training session.

Master Barista | This is obtained by being recognized by HR. We look at activity time and the number of orders served when looking for who to promote.

:warning: Master Baristas will be given additional benefits and perks a little later after V1s release.

:paperclips: Miscellaneous:

  • Group Link: Costad - Roblox
    Additional links can be found on the group page!