Couldn't learn how to script

The best way, in my opinion, is to find someone who already knows and learn from them the basics. I still am learning but now I’m learning alone because the person I learned the basics from is bad at teaching me the complex stuff but I’m grateful anyway.
Now I just look at the wiki, google, and some youtube videos about specific topics related to what I want to do of course and figure out the rest of the code I need by myself from there on…( I did take scripts from free models and studied them but I realized that most of them are either malicious or really BADLY written, my friend who taught me the basics also told me this…
So, find someone to learn from, ask the person questions look at what they do and how they do it, etc…
After some time passes you’ll get the hang of it. It’s like learning a language, it’s how I see it anyways.
Good luck,

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Hmm this question has been asked multiple times but for me the best was is just go to they teach you how to script, then go to codetheorm, peaspod dont do the advanced stuff cause he messed up on it, then try wratshong, he messep up on the intermediate tho, alviroblox is ok not the best. Then try steadyon, and then get a resource of people who can help you if you need help, I got fine on discord cause I just asked people if they wanted to teach me scripting they said no, but they would be glad to help and I have a bunch of them so I just like ask all of them stuff. So yah thats my method, but the only problem is idk how to learn like advanced scripting thats where it getts tricky and confusing

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Don’t force it upon yourself, take your time, and learn slowly, start out with simple stuff that require little scripting and effort, and once you think you’re ready, advance.
Start by looking at basic tutorials and lua’s documentation, like for example the ones in the devforum. Take a look at free models and try to understand how they work.
You’ll have some trouble in the beginning but if you keep trying you’ll get the hang of things.

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