CRASH: Failed To allocate VRAM

For the past few weeks one of my projects has had an inexplicably high crash rate (About 15% on average). After doing as much troubleshooting as a I possibly can, I’ve reached the end of my rope. I can’t find the issue, I’m not doing anything on a developer level that would/could cause crashes.

Finally today after clearing out most of the warnings and prints in my client scripts, I was able to narrow down some possible issues. Whenever the crash rate on the game increases, so does the error count.

Here are the following client errors that increase corresponding with the crash rate:

Failed to allocate VRAM for humanoid texture: Failed to allocate image memory
Failed to allocate VRAM for part render data: Failed to allocate buffer

I can only assume these errors are directly related to the issue in some way.

Here is the game: Gunfight Arena - Roblox

A private message is associated with this bug report


Is your GPU usage always high when testing your projects? I don’t know if it’s possible to check how much VRAM is being used, but if you can, you should post that too.


I know it’s not usage per say, but my GPU delta time on my project averages 2-3ms.

On Arsenal it averages 3-4ms. So I don’t think that help to prove anything.

Also I personally have never experienced a crash so I’m not sure if my PC will show much of anything.


Thanks for the report! We’ll follow up when there’s any update on the issue.


Another 7 users just crashed due to a new slightly different error:

“Failed to lock VRAM for part render data”

No reason listed.

Any idea what I can do on a developer level to prevent this?


Team testing tends to overuse GPUs a lot for some reason.


My project has encountered the same issue. The error data shows that the issue appeared after 13th October. The game entering achievement acquiring rate dropped from 100% to 60%, so almost every second new player could not connect to the game. Interesting to notice, this happened right after we changed most of the mesh parts’ render fidelities from automatic to performance.

Hoping to get an answer for this. Here’s a screenshot of all the relevant errors I’ve encountered

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Hello. My game have same problem. But it has started near 22th October. Roblox client just freeze for few seconds and then closing. (Many users are reporting me about this problem. Someone have PC with web client, someone from phone. Someone have good configuration of pc. As say Roblox statistics, game “eat” 2gb RAM)
The game logs didn’t give me this error report for the first time. But now it does. (Note. I have started to see it after improving error reports)

Also client crash rate from 21th October to today

And last week


Errors got changed to
Count Type Message
40 Client Failed to lock VRAM for part render data
31 Client Failed to allocate VRAM for humanoid texture: Failed to allocate image memory
6 Client Out of VRAM while uploading 59 kB of terrain render data
4 Client Out of VRAM while uploading 39 kB of terrain render data
4 Client Out of VRAM while uploading 100 kB of terrain render data
3 Client Out of VRAM while uploading 36 kB of terrain render data
3 Client Failed to allocate VRAM for part render data: Failed to allocate buffer
3 Client Out of VRAM while uploading 58 kB of terrain render data
2 Client Out of VRAM while uploading 62 kB of terrain render data
2 Client Out of VRAM while uploading 47 kB of terrain render data
2 Client Out of VRAM while uploading 6 kB of terrain render data
2 Client Out of VRAM while uploading 54 kB of terrain render data
2 Client Out of VRAM while creating grass vertex buffer of size 269 kB
2 Client Out of VRAM while uploading 103 kB of terrain render data
2 Client Out of VRAM while uploading 38 kB of terrain render data
1 Client Out of VRAM while uploading 63 kB of terrain render data
1 Client Out of VRAM while uploading 106 kB of terrain render data
1 Client Out of VRAM while uploading 44 kB of terrain render data
1 Client Out of VRAM while uploading 107 kB of terrain render data
1 Client Out of VRAM while uploading 85 kB of terrain render data
1 Client Out of VRAM while uploading 4 kB of terrain render data
1 Client Out of VRAM while uploading 11 kB of terrain render data
1 Client Out of VRAM while uploading 67 kB of terrain render data
1 Client Out of VRAM while uploading 32 kB of terrain render data
1 Client Out of VRAM while uploading 7 kB of terrain render data

(Hope it will help somehow)

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What platform are you on? and if Windows, which client are you using?
The Roblox client obtainable through the Microsoft Store has a 5GB memory limit and will crash once exceeded. The funny thing about this is that you have the option to choose the max graphics quality preset. Fortunately, you can manually change this memory limit to something higher than the default 5GB.

I’ve ALSO noticed this in roblox studio while making my game, this is just annoying

I noticed an unusual variance in the client crash rate graph of a game I just released with another developer. I have exactly 35 instances of the Failed to lock VRAM for part render data error, and no other errors with the VRAM keyword.

The game was very recently released so we had our first 18 concurrent players yesterday, so obviously I was expecting inaccurate analytics, but the crash rate graph still worries me nonetheless… For context, the game sits at around 1.3gb memory usage, on average 40% on most devices.

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My crash rate has actually been decently low over the last week. However I am seeing this error more often.

More than half of these VRAM errors in my game this month occurred over the last 5 days

Also the number of new users who played the game vs the number of them who spawned in for the first time dropped from 94% to 81%. Meaning 19% of users over the past few days just never got into the game.

Does this issue still occur? If yes, could you provide some logs? You can find how to get and send the files to us in this topic: [How to post a Bug Report - Bug Reports - Developer Forum | Roblox](How to post a Bug Report - #11 by Roblox