Create a boat system

I’ve begun working on a simple physics-based boat system for my game. The system is to have no waves and a small sinking animation.

How should I go about getting the boats to float and move? I don’t know what physics constraints to use.

My current set up uses a plane constraint to make the boat “Float” But that does not allow for dynamic sinking.

I am just asking for a basic idea, Thank you.

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There’s a lot of way you can do it. The easiest way imo is to use vector force to move forward/backwards and use angular velocity for turning.

For sinking instead of a plain constraint you could try using a body position; it’s depreciated, but it’s a solution.

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Heres a great in-depth tutorial by the genius @okeanskiy

Roblox water has a Density of 1.
If you have a boat that the average Density is less than 1 it’ll float.
I build my boats with a very heavy Part at the bottom and make all the Parts above it (in the water) with a very light Density.
To make it sink just increase the Density with a script.


The issue is I’m not using real water. I’m just using a plane.

Then you can tween the boat for sinking.

Also regarding this post

Just put it in a loop like I said.

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