Creating a mini map that includes terrain

I’m trying to create a mini map to help my players navigate the place. However, my minimap camera doesn’t show the terrain because I can’t copy the terrain in the folder for my viewport frame camera to track. Are there any workarounds?

Not sure how advanced in outside programming you are but you could use this, but if not I would suggest making a high quality image of your terrain and using that instead as your map.

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I would suggest a pre-server start generation of an image representing the Terrain. By this I mean you write some code which will run a loop for all voxels on the map and compute what Material exists at that point. You can figure this out using raycasting. Then you have two options: You can use a bunch of frames to represent each voxel and position them accordingly to their real-world position in the minimap, OR (ideally) you can create an ImageLabel and provide it with a pre-generated image file representing the Terrain. Then all you would have to do is modify the position of the ImageLabel in the minimap based on where the Player currently is in the world.

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Hey, I’m trying this out but I’m facing an issue: Widgeons MiniMap Creator 2018 - Roblox the plugin doesn’t appear in my plugin folder. Any chance you know why?

It’s not a plugin, it’s a model. You can find it in your Models section of your Toolbox.

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