Credits to furukan

instead of using Attachment, use a part to see if it spawns in the right place.

im quite new to this conversation, but couldn’t you use raycasting for the end point? i have used that too just recently. Have you tried that yet?

thats what we are trying to do

Strangely with part it spawns correctly

try this :

( ill write the script in few minutes) )

local beam ="Beam", Lazer)
local att1 ="Attachment", Lazer)
local att2 ="Attachment", Lazer)

att1.Position = Lazer.CFrame:ToObjectSpace(To.Handle.CFrame).Position
att2.Position = Lazer.CFrame:ToObjectSpace(
beam.Attachment0 = att1
beam.Attachment1 = att2

I will try this right now thanks!

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So, at least it’s not upto to the moon now xD,

i edited the script try again.

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This is way much better, it’s a little bit off tho at certain angles, I can try asking my friend for a fix to it, I don’t really wanna waste your time. Upto you :smiley:

okay, sorry i did not helped you :frowning:

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Thank you so much to this, you saved my 4 months of pain :smiley: