CRITICAL COLLISION ISSUE! collision between blocks and terrain is always disabled since latest update!

+1 for this.

We released our game about a week ago and have continuously been receiving reports of weird character collision issues like the following:

(Being teleported back is the result of our anti-cheat and not related to this bug)

There’s also cases where you jump into a block at weird angles and get pushed away in another direction into the void.


I have also gotten this in another game made by the team, Islands.
When I was destroying some blocks, I got stuck inside a stone block and then got flinged 200 studs away (it looked like the same happened to your character). The same happened when I was going near an NPC a few days ago, i got pushed back near the portal and my body was half inside the terrain.

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Do yo u have a reproduce file to repeat the issue? That could help the engineers to work out the issue.

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I have seen this issue, I was re-creating CS:GO’s de_nuke, but I ran into this problem where if you hit the edge of a part, it’d slide you sideways.

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I think this issue has been fixed in the last 24 hours - perhaps by whatever @Khanovich rolled back. It was definitely occurring 24 hours or so ago. We’ve tested on a few different machines and it seems to be fixed - for now!

This is the file that we tested it in - and it no longer occurs in - but maybe useful for regression testing.
Jump Landing Bug.rbxl (28.6 KB)