When I hold right click with my mouse on an ad, I cannot move my camera. This is critical for basic game play.
This is intentional:
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This is stupid. What’s the reason this would ever be intentional?
AdGuis are a sibling of BillboardGuis, so my best guess is that it forces you to look at your mouse to see why you can’t move your camera, in turn looking at the ad itself. Very annoying.
Does this also happen with billboardguis? From what I remember it doesn’t. If this was done on purpose and does NOT happen when using Billboardguis, it’s very scummy.
Also, don’t you have to interact with ads for one to play? If this isn’t a bug it’s sure becoming a feature request.
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The most annoying part about it is that is also does it when it is fully invisible. Due to the placement of my ads, it does become game breaking.
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