Crosswood games are back? wt*?


There isn’t. You gotta just be careful.

The exploit has been patched a lot of times, but they use new ways and bypasses to get it working.

He told me the script for his recent crosswoods game is 300+ line of codes.

I honestly would suggest talking in personal messages if you guys are revealing secrets because the #help-and-feedback catagory is public meaning any account can view this topic even when not logged in

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Any update of the appeal status?


@TraderBey, delete your replies and I’ll DM you

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I’ll update the post once I’m appealed on my alternatives but as of right now, no.

Wow guys, it worked! Thank you so much for your appeal version @Soundmoji !!!

I’ve gotten most of my accounts back, still wish I had TraderBey back but that’s a different situation ig.

We will still be focusing on the CrossWood games in the topic though.



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tbh this is the first time ive seen the offending text from a crosswoods ban that isnt completely blocked out. and ngl that just looks like something the average roblox user would say nowadays.

I was expecting more vulgur/offensive language to be used but that legit just looks like a 15 year old trying to be edgy on roblox.

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Congrats did you made a own ticket or did you use the template i provided

Just curious

People still think that roblox doesn’t “unban” people that got banned by crosswoods but this has been prooven to be false. Also do not click random links even if it’s a official roblox link since some links can launch your roblox client directly that forces you into the game


I made my own ticket and used your template for the start as well, and yes it worked, thanks again lol.


basically any accounts that are linked together, but not birth dates/join dates or similar usernames, cuz that would get thousands of random accounts banned

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It’s determined by those as well, ONLY if the accounts are on the same IP address/device.

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well yeah, because they’re connected, but i doubt it would have to do with dates. where did you find this information?

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seems like it targets literally any account near you

Yea, that’s concerning.

But I’m guessing they used a shared email to add to their Roblox accounts. When this happens, if one user who’s using the same email gets moderated, ALL the accounts with the same email will get terminated as well.

yeah, that is literally just what i said
and since you can also get ip banned, it would probably affect others around the same area too

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The fact Roblox still hasn’t found a way to fix it for years is definitely concerning

If you are wondering kreekcraft mentioned you in their video regarding your post regarding crosswoods


Is this still the Chat Service security oversight where you (as the developer) can send any message you want as the player?