CSGV2 still gets corrupt unions

This might actually sound like a full blown rant, but having to deal with loss of motivation and energy to develop, then getting some and getting it all crushed by something like this is actually making me livid. Many times, unexpected errors and failures while developing have made me take pauses, sometimes for weeks, but i was never so close to actually quitting.


I agree wholeheartedly, roblox is being lazy and they need to fix their unions, this has been happening non-stop. I’m primarily a modeler but when I do build my unions just disappear. It’s sad to see roblox not giving enough attention to building in their engine. I’m at a point where I have to quit with building since I’ve lost countless builds and it has really pissed me off.

I worked for a couple of hours on a commission, when I published, my unions just disappeared, this was the result:

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