Custom Chat Tag, removing the bracket

  1. What do you want to achieve? I was the remove the brackets around “AWESOME.” Is there a command I don’t know about?

My script:

	local tags ="Folder",plr)
	tags.Name = "Tags"
	if plr.Name == "xxMLGxx8643" then
		local newTag ="IntValue",tags)
		newTag.Name = "AWESOME"
		local chatColor ="Color3Value",newTag)
		chatColor.Name = "ChatColor"
		chatColor.Value ="New Yeller").Color
	local tagColor ="Color3Value",newTag)
	tagColor.Name = "TagColor"
	tagColor.Value = Color3.fromRGB(255,255,255)

2. **What is the issue?** ![Capture|349x53](upload://bqg9EIbeydVrZv9tllrqmObXqFF.png) 

3. **What solutions have you tried so far?** I've tried to do the destory() command and get help from friends

It took some time but I found it, firstly fork the chat and look at:
ClientChatModules -> DefaultChatMessage -> Line 41

This for loop loops through their tags and adds them, then on line 44:

local formatTagText = string.format("[%s] ", tagText)

It inserts the square brackets around, you can just define formatTagText as tagText to remove them:

local formatTagText = tagText
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@return_end1 Thank you very much, I’ll try it and let you know/

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FYI: I’d recommend the method of adding chat tags via :SetExtraData of the ChatServiceRunner, this thread will explain more: