Custom ChatGui Ids needed

I’m making a custom chat system, because public chat systems put too much credit in, and the roblox chat doesn’t look that good,

I have everything down, all I need is some ids for topbarplus, but, peeking through CoreGui for the default icons, but the image that had the chat icons, was a spritesheet, topbarPlus doesn’t support this, I’ve tried giving the icon instance, but topbarPlus doesn’t support that.

For some reason the icons I upload through the dashboard dont seem to appear in the topbar icons, and I’ve spent this entire morning trying to do it.

All I really need is image ids

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It may not seem like it does, but yes, it does, you can find it on the documentation:

	{"IconImage", "ImageRectSize",, 0)},
	{"IconImage", "ImageRectOffset",, 0)}

As for where to get images, I use Lucide Icon Picker:

ok, i think i might be a little stupid

It’s alright, took me like 1 hour to figure it out lol.

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