Custom DataStore?


I saw a tweet earlier by @AbstractAlex,

and I was wondering what did he mean by custom datastores, and how would you set it up and script it.


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A custom DataStore is a self-managed or hosted web server that handles requests just like the Roblox DataStore. The advantage of this setup is you can actively check for errors and optimise the system at your fingertips. The downside is the expensive implementation.

To setup a custom DataStore is not a simple process if you are not so experienced with web servers and web programming and how they work all together. I personally am not experienced with this kind of complexity, so I will not dwell further on this aspect. As for making a script that will use the custom DataStore, you will be using HttpService to communicate with the server, there will be some differences, but overall, it’s pretty much the same with scripting a normal DataStore.


Custom datastores mean they are not Roblox-based. For example, a Google spreadsheet , way more reliable and safe. Sorry, but I don’t know how to set it up.

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They’re probably usuing an external web server to store data.

I think that the issue of Datastores not working properly when teleporting could easily be fixed if you save the data of the player before each teleport request.

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Hmm, I have read in a few forums that it is not safe to use google spreadsheet due to limitations it has.


Also, I did have a universe game where you teleport between places. There was always an issue with the data losses (even if you save before teleporting)


It doesn’t have to be similar at all, since it’d be your server you could pretty much set it up however you like.


I meant like scriping things like save async, update async etc in a game server script. Setting up the server itself is fully customizable of course :smile:


Yeah, you definitely could set it up the same, but if you’re already setting up your own server you might as well change things up a bit.


Google Spreadsheets has a rough limit of two million cells per sheet, or one million players’ data if you save one value per player. I currently use Airtable. It’s fast, easy, and free.

Hmm. Maybe I’ll make a guide and module on using Airtable with Roblox.


Please do :slight_smile:


Would really appreciate it :slight_smile: