Custom Density minimum of 0

An object with zero mass couldn’t even exist in air anyway; a microscopic pressure difference would send it moving at infinite velocity.

Wouldn’t it just compress itself into a dot, if you’re counting for pressure? I was assuming that some of the rules would at least have to be in place, for it to function as something to theorize about.

If you’re talking about if it has a low pressure zone above it, and a high one below it, no, it would not shoot away at infinite velocity, it will just move to the place where the pressure equalized, sub the amount of air-friction the surface had. Stuff would make excellent plane wings.

TL;DR none of us are actually scientists yet we are all debating theoretical massless objects and their physical behavior, all I want is for Roblox to remove the Density minimum so I can create Part objects not intended to be physically interacted.

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Yes, but it is an interesting concept to have a massless object be used in a physics based game. I could see some rather interesting gameplay from this.

And wouldn’t a massless object partially be able to phase through materials? (until friction+magnetism got to it?)

There’s also the problem of low density parts affecting water buoyancy. Sometimes we use large hitboxes to approximate complex objects with low actual volumes. TrussParts are a good example of this:

This is what we’re approximating, which has a significantly lower actual volume:

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