Custom Grass Module

I’d love to get feedback on this Grass System I’ve made! It’s compatible with the WindShake module and also supports custom size variation, is extremely fps efficient, and also supports custom biomes with color settings!

In the video below I quickly just made 2 biomes, the Plains (on the right) and the Autumn Forest (on the left) to show the height variation and color settings.

I’m not sure when or if I’ll release this for everyone to use, but I am working on adding more settings and features right now.

EDIT 5/12/2023: I am planning on reworking this in a few weeks since I’ll be on summer break. When I first made this, I didn’t know nearly as much about scripting as I do now, but I want to come back to this to try and make it more performant, and also make it run clientside.


Woa, this is really good!

Is there a place where I can test that though?

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Yep! I just made it public for testing at: Dev Zone - Roblox

I’ll make a reply on this post every time I make an update, so you could go check it out ingame.
This place will also have other stuff I am testing, not just the Foliage System Module!

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This is pretty good, it looks pretty similar to Roblox’s grass,
it is a bit laggy if you have a lot of grass, but you can reduce that by making grass amount react to the camera, more grass closer to the camera and less far away, if that doesn’t make performance worse…

But yeah, pretty much Roblox’s grass except with more customizability, I think it can be pretty good.

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Small update! If you play the Grass Module Testing game (Dev Zone - Roblox) you can toggle ON/OFF the new Reduced Graphics Setting! I have linked 2 videos below, showcasing the grass with and without the setting on. The radius for grass not rendering at all is also something I can easily customize, so let me know if its good or not!

My mistake, forgot to upload the Reduced Graphics ON video.

Update! I added a Chunk Based System that randomly picks a spot between an area, so now the module allows for a Default Grass Density in a chunk option and chunks also have the ability to override this default, for instance if you wanted a specific chunk in a biome to have less/more grass!

I am going to work on the grass looking more randomly placed when placed within a chunk, and i’ll also make the grass less laggy like roblox grass.

Was the Wind Inspired by the Islands Wind? I swear I recognize that

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I’m not sure what The Islands Wind looks like, I just used Wind Shake: High performance wind effect for leaves and foliage!

How is the rework going? i would like to know!