So, I was gladly surprised to find out you can actually put custom functions into iterators (through in f() do), I found this out using the example provided on Pages, however it looks really messy and just flew over me.
Anyway, onto what I want to know, how exactly you’d write one of these functions, so, lets say, a recreation of ipairs
local someList = {"foo", "bar"}
function ipairs(tab)
for key, value in ipairs(someList) do
Honestly though… I’ve never used them and probably never will. Unless you’re writing a library and have some really specific use case, it’s almost always seems to make code a lot harder to read later on for not a whole lot of benefit. The default iterators are common, easy-to-read, and even optimized by Roblox to run natively under the hood in some cases.
The generic for statement works over functions, called iterators . On each iteration, the iterator function is called to produce a new value, stopping when this new value is nil . The generic for loop has the following syntax:
local iterator = function(tableQuery)
local tableSize = select("#", unpack(tableQuery))
local currentIndex = 0
return function()
currentIndex = currentIndex + 1
if currentIndex <= tableSize then
local TableEntity = tableQuery[currentIndex]
return currentIndex, tableQuery[currentIndex]
for k, v in iterator({'hi', 'there'}) do
print(k, v)