Custom mouse icon question

Greetings! So I just implemented a custom mouse cursor in my game recently, and I just noticed this one minor issue. I’ve noticed, if you prompt to purchase some in-game product, that ROBLOX UI overrides my mouse icon.

Are there any workarounds to this? If all else fails I could whip up a system to somehow detect if the player prompts to purchase, disable the icon, and then re-enable it after the prompt goes away.

Just wondered if there’s anything simpler I could try. Thanks!

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It’s also worth noting that this icon is a separate UI element, as I had to offset it from the mouse’ position so it’s as accurate as possible.

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This question has already been asked before. Roblox developers are not permitted to render their UIs over Roblox UIs for security reasons.

See: Custom Cursor being drawn over by purchase prompt GUI - #3 by Tiffblocks


Thanks Colbert. And yeah, that makes sense. :slight_smile:

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