Custom Part Creator Plugin

Hello members of the Developer Forum!

Have you ever wanted to spawn a part instantly with custom default properties?

Well, I have the plugin for you!

This plugin is pretty straight forwards, just input the values you want and hit Spawn Part to create a part with the values you put in.

This is my first plugin so feedback is greatly appreciated.


That’s pretty nifty. Will give it a try


You should add a custom shortcut so people can spawn a part with a shortcut instead of having to click on the plugin and pressing the spawn part button.


Alright. Do you know what would be a good easy-access shortcut? I personally don’t use shortcuts much since I have a horrible memory, lol.

That’s not how they work, essentially, you want to use Plugin Actions these are shortcuts that you set in your plugin script that the user can then assign a keybind to in settings. You, as the plugin creator, are not able to change what the keybind is, but its helpful for it to be there for people to use.

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Ah, I think you misunderstood.
I know what plugin actions are, I just didn’t know if I had to set a default shortcut or not.

Oh, sorry.

No you don’t, the user sets them them self. I’d recommend putting some sort of prompt in your plugin so that people know that there is one and how to set it.

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Alright. I’ll work on that later today.


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The plugin now has a shortcut that you can set to spawn a part using your settings without opening the plugin!

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Closed and unlisted per request by OP.

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