Custom R6 character physics

Ported from my teamcreate plugin, this is the same R6 character with an improved version of the “custom physics” (which may be ported back to the plugin)


Crosslinking, this is the team create plugin: Team Create Character - Basic R6 character in team create

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You are telling me… YOU MADE AN ENTIRE PHYSICS ENGINE?, Holy crap i might read the code for this as i am highly interested in learning how to resolve a collision.

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its more of a “prevent noclip” engine i made a while back for a plugin that added characters in studio. It has some collision stuff so COULD count as a physics engine, but you could use some of the things i used to try and make a physics engine (id recommend you look at chickynoid as it has better physics)


i already use chickynoid, I’m addicted to it!

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Pretty neat, but i dont really see the point in releasing this when it is incredibly shoddy.

For starters, if you move diagonally you move much faster than just moving in an individual direction. This can easily be resolved by normalizing the direction vector.
You can also just straight up walk through the wall that is in the demo place, so I don’t really see how useful it is uploading a non working collision system.

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There’s absolutely zero reason to dump on someone else’s work. Yes, constructive criticism is a positive thing (and you do provide some), but that still doesn’t justify coming out someone harshly for releasing something that certainly will be a help to someone, even if it’s just a frame of reference/initial start-point for implementing custom physics. This resource was for a Studio plugin, not for production/live game use. Obviously, there may be some issues with it taking that the next step, but OP never branded it as that or even implied that it was going to go in the direction. OPs post instead reads more along the lines of “here is something that I created for another project, this might be helpful to someone [given that this is decently niche, it probably will be] - make of it as you will”.