Custom Shift Lock

How would I go about making a custom shift lock toggle? I want it to be as close as possible to regular shiftlock.

there is a topic same to what you said here it is: Custom Shift Lock Script w/out using shift lock

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It’s a bit confusing to me, but I’ll try. D’you have any clue on how I could use the delta to rotate the character?

The method I use is to constantly rotate the character’s HRP towards the camera with RenderStepped, and lock the mouse to the center with MouseBehavior. You can also use Humanoid.CameraOffset to adjust how you want the camera to be like. It works fairly well so I think you might wanna give it a shot.
^^^ In this case, I use a variable to detect if the player is “OnLock” which changes everytime the player presses the L key.

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Does the right mouse button need to be held down to turn the screen, when doing this?

Nope, you can just move your mouse and the camera will move with it.