Customizing LegacyChatService using TextChatService

How does one change anything like fonts, font size, bubble chat type using the new TextChatService since none of the configs dont work on LegacyChatService?


You can’t. TextChatService is specifically designed for, well, TextChatService. It’s a completely new system with a new chat design. LegacyChatService is completely different from TextChatService, and that’s why new Instances that allow you to customize it do not work on the Legacy.

You have to fork the modules of LegacyChatService to customize it, otherwise you have to keep using the TextChatService.

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You might be interested in this topic I made

The LegacyChat is pretty easy to customize, if you stick to the Settings module script
The forked version I provide adds UICorners (that can be customized in the settings module), and other things. Here is a screenshot


The settings Module:

(Ignore the, only Enum.Font is valid, but I am messing with the fork to add support to Font objects, for more fonts)