Oop!! I forgot to reply to this x.x but I think it’s triggering by pressed mouse left click so I think have to figure it out how to toggle it when not using it…
This looks really nice
Do you by chance know if using the real time CSG would be more or less performant than creating wedges for just a thin glass plane?
I really like this. I reckon this can be used to shatter meshparts followed by a fading effect. I didn’t know you could do this with CSG nor have I ever attempted but this is amazing and thank you soo much for your amazing work
To improve the module I would reccomend using this snippet at the top of the code.
I think it’s useful to have a comment of example usage in the module. Also their may be performance gains by using --!native for those who have the beta feature enabled.
local Cut = {}
--[[welcome to Cut3r
This is offical release 1.
local Settings = {
OverrideLimits = false,
IterationLimit = 100,
--Example usage
--local Cut3r = require(game.ServerScriptService.Cut3r)
I thought I could improve it with a metaobject instead of cloning parts but was instead informed how CSG works
local metaobject={Size=.01,9,9,CFrame=CFrame.new(0,0,0),
Unable to cast value to Object - Server - Cut3r:51
19:13:08.987 Stack Begin - Studio
19:13:08.987 Script 'ServerScriptService.Cut3r', Line 51 - function internalCSGSlice - Studio - Cut3r:51
19:13:08.987 Script 'ServerScriptService.Cut3r', Line 143 - function Slice - Studio - Cut3r:143
19:13:08.987 Script 'Workspace.Block.Script', Line 4 - Studio - Script:4
You are trading off performance for realism and the “fun factor”. Cut3r relies on the performance that roblox provides with real-time CSG, so if your game doesn’t require that much realism, I suggest doing the wedge method for glass instead. Hope this helps!
Ooh, thanks for the suggestion!
As for the metaobject thing, yeah roblox’s csg system requires the instance to be real.
It been a while but are you plan to update the slice that work with editable meshes or not yet?
bookmarking this for later, thx man
if roblox ever supports csg for meshes in general, yes.
If there is no csg support for meshes I cant do much.
This relies on the roblox physics engine so yeah if roblox isn’t implementing it I cant do much.
I see if I can do some math trickery in the future but for now I’m not adding editable mesh support.
New version for Cut3r! I’ve finally added a long overdue feature made by Roblox that allows you to keep constraints after a CSG operation.
Bug reports should be handled in GitHub if possible.
Really cool, I saw a game called Smooth Slicing that has like 1500 players, games pretty mediocre but probably used this module or a variant of it and it makes the game pretty fun so I might use this to make a similar game.