cyclSrob not a valid member of model, but I am?

The script is inside of a ProximityPrompt.

the error is simply saying that no Instance called cyclSrob exists inside Workspace.Mirror_Model.Players

  1. check if there are more than 1 Mirror_Model in the workspace
  2. check if the cyclSrob exist in Players model when you are trying to interact with the script

Both of those are true.


Went in server view and I’m not actually there. Let me try something rq.

so you are saying that you have more than one Mirror_Model in workspace?

Try renaming it or deleting the model and reinserting it.
All else, I’m not sure what to do.

No, my bad. The second one is true

oh thats probably the issue then i guess the script that looks for the missing object is on Server and what do you do to spawn the thing in Players Model is it your character which you parented to Players model?

Okay I made it a remoteevent and it worked. but now this is happening

My character is walking away from itself and there are also two of me also my camera is glitching like w h a t?

set subject of current camera to your Character’s humanoid that you switch to each time

Well great! Studio crashed and my work wasn’t saved.

Edit: Nevermind, luckily there was an autosave.

Can’t even screen record because Studio is spying on me, but anyways what happened is my camera kept flashing crazy everywhere.

have you tried what i suggested
also you need to use localscript for it

What did you suggest?

“set subject of current camera to your Character’s humanoid that you switch to each time”

That’s exactly what I did that made the camera glitch around.

can i see the script that you use to switch subject

local player = game.Players.LocalPlayer

	if player.Character == workspace[player.Name] then
		player.Character = workspace.Mirror_Model.Players[player.Name]
		workspace.CurrentCamera.CameraSubject = player.Character:WaitForChild("Humanoid")
		player.Character = workspace[player.Name]