Daily rewards or play time rewards?

So recently when working on my game I started scripting a daily reward. But I realized that a daily reward might encourage players to only visit the game for only a few seconds. So as an alternative I scripted it so that the player would have to wait in the game to receive the reward. The way I see it you get fewer visits while getting a larger amount of playtime. So would it actually be better? Or do you think it may cause player burnouts of the game? Please leave any thoughts, thanks.

Personally, if a game said “sit around to get your daily” I’d be inclined to not complete dailies. Can you add at least a menial task to complete to get the reward rather than gating it by time?

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I agree with @MP3Face cause it would just make me feel a bit annoyed that I have to wait and so many other players might feel the same and due to most games having daily rewards, players may expect your game to have this feature as well. By adding daily rewards this may prevent some players giving your game a dislike.

Here is a Resource that helps with Game Advertisement and what players want to see:

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You should just do daily rewards, but make the game engaging enough that the players actually play every day and the reward is just a bonus.

Here, want to know a tip?
Make the daily award a stackable multiplier, which means the daily award is valuable but worth nothing at all by itself. If the player want to actually use this award they’ll have to play the grind.