Damage Highlight

Hello, currently I’m working on a sword and I’m almost done, but I want to add a damage high light. Like when the player get’s damaged the player’s character turns red. I could change the whole character to red, but that might hurt the player’s eyes. I also know you can add a highlight, but that part is still in beta. So what can I do?

Thank you and have a nice day,

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Could you add a video of what your trying to do?

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Sorry for the late response, but here’s a video.
Basically I want a damage high light like minecraft or bed wars

Is there anyone else that knows how to make this???

Achieving that effect will become much easier once the “Highlight” Instance (that was included during Release Notes for 499’s API Changes) has been fully released.

Here’s a video from MaximumADHD that demonstrates some examples of its functionality:

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So should I just wait until it is released???

Maybe, the highlight instance would make damage indicators easier to make if not better looking. But if you want a method right now you could have red colored parts welded to the players character’s parts(I.E UpperTorso,LowerTorso,Head) and whenever the player damages another player you could tween the parts to appear/dissapear on the client or server

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Normal red parts that are half transparent or a clone of the characrer that is red?

Probably normal red baseparts that are welded to each character that joins the game

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