What solutions have you tried so far? Did you look for solutions on the Developer Hub?
My solutions that i have done are
1.Server Side Points Are Changing The Values
2.Making a tool that adds points
3.Doing the saving on the game
4.Some Debugging
if u want the source code here it is:
local StickStore = game:GetService("DataStoreService"):GetDataStore("Sticks")
local CoinStore = game:GetService("DataStoreService"):GetDataStore("Coins")
local ClassStore = game:GetService("DataStoreService"):GetDataStore("Class")
local ClassBoostStore = game:GetService("DataStoreService"):GetDataStore("ClassBoost")
local MaxCapStore = game:GetService("DataStoreService"):GetDataStore("MaxCap")
local X2CoinsStore = game:GetService("DataStoreService"):GetDataStore("X2Coins")
local X2SticksStore = game:GetService("DataStoreService"):GetDataStore("X2Sticks")
local plrsLeft = 0
local DefaultBoost = 1
local DefaultRank = "Noob"
local DefaultCap = 15
plrsLeft = plrsLeft + 1
local plrFold = Instance.new("Folder")
plrFold.Name = "leaderstats"
plrFold.Parent = player
local Sticks = Instance.new("NumberValue")
Sticks.Name = "Sticks"
Sticks.Parent = plrFold
Sticks.Value = 0
local Coins = Instance.new("NumberValue")
Coins.Name = "Coins"
Coins.Parent = plrFold
Coins.Value = 0
local Class = Instance.new("StringValue")
Class.Name = "Class"
Class.Value = DefaultRank
Class.Parent = plrFold
local Caps = Instance.new("NumberValue")
Caps.Parent = Sticks
Caps.Name = "MaxCapacity"
Caps.Value = DefaultCap
local BoostRank = Instance.new("NumberValue")
BoostRank.Name = "ClassBoost"
BoostRank.Parent = Class
BoostRank.Value = DefaultBoost
local X2Sticks = Instance.new("NumberValue")
X2Sticks.Name = "X2Sticks"
X2Sticks.Value = 1
X2Sticks.Parent = Sticks
local X2Coins = Instance.new("NumberValue")
X2Coins.Name = "X2Coins"
X2Coins.Parent = Coins
X2Coins.Value = 1
local data
local data1
local data2
local data3
local data4
local data5
local data6
local data7
local success, errormessage = pcall(function()
StickStore:GetAsync(player.UserId, Sticks.Value)
CoinStore:GetAsync(player.UserId, Coins.Value)
ClassStore:GetAsync(player.UserId, Class.Value)
ClassBoostStore:GetAsync(player.UserId, BoostRank.Value)
MaxCapStore:GetAsync(player.UserId, Caps.Value)
X2CoinsStore:GetAsync(player.UserId, X2Coins)
X2SticksStore:GetAsync(player.UserId, X2Sticks)
if success then
local data = Sticks.Value
local data1 = Coins.Value
local data2 = Class.Value and DefaultRank
local data3 = BoostRank.Value and DefaultBoost
local data4 = Caps.Value and DefaultCap
local data5 = X2Coins.Value
local data6 = X2Sticks.Value
warn("The Data Cannot Be Loaded!")
local BindableEvent = Instance.new("BindableEvent")
plrsLeft = plrsLeft - 1
local data = player.leaderstats.Sticks.Value
local data1 = player.leaderstats.Coins.Value
local data2 = player.leaderstats.Class.Value
local data3 = player.leaderstats.Class.ClassBoost.Value
local data4 = player.leaderstats.Sticks.MaxCapacity.Value
local data5 = player.leaderstats.Coins.X2Coins.Value
local data6 = player.leaderstats.Sticks.X2Sticks.Value
local success, errormessage = pcall(function()
StickStore:GetAsync(player.UserId, data)
CoinStore:GetAsync(player.UserId, data1)
ClassStore:GetAsync(player.UserId, data2)
ClassBoostStore:GetAsync(player.UserId, data3)
MaxCapStore:GetAsync(player.UserId, data4)
X2CoinsStore:GetAsync(player.UserId, data5)
X2SticksStore:GetAsync(player.UserId, data6)
if success then
warn("The Players Data Was Saved!")
warn("There was an error while saving the players Data!")
while plrsLeft > 0 do
You may think i just want to ask for some codes but im technically looking for a fix on this
Your Solutions So Far Like Last Time:
1.Switch To DataStore2 (Im not doing this)
2.Print And Debugging (Cleared)
I strongly suggest that you use DataStore2. It uses caching and advanced saving methods to prevent data loss. If you want to save in studio, DataStore2 also supports that.
DataStore2 also combines datastores to prevent throttling, which would be ideal in your case.
The current setup you are using is definetly going to throttle.
You are making multiple calls on both PlayerAdded and PlayerRemoving. This will definetly surpass the throttle limit and will eventually lead to data not being saved or being saved late.
DataStore2 combines all of them into one call which wil probably never throttle.
P.S: Please try to use proper english, I’m having some difficulties understanding.
I am seeing lots of people recommend DataStore2 and I agree with them. If you want to have a reliable data store without the complexity of them you should use DataStore2. However just suggesting to use DataStore2 isn’t helping much with learning how to use normal data stores.
Avoid using multiple data stores
You shouldn’t have a data store for each thing you want to save in your game because you will end up hitting your limits very quickly. You should try limiting it to 2 at most and in most cases using one is better. To limit the amount of data store calls you do you should save everything under one big table and create a cache of your data in your game. Here is a little example:
Having a cache will avoid you making anymore GetAsync request other than from when the player joins the game. You will also be able to save the data directly from the cache and do all your validations from it.
Incorrect use of pcall
The reason why your data store isn’t saving or loading is because you are using pcall wrong. You are doing all your data store requests in one pcall meaning that if one fails you are going to assume all of them have . As you are doing 7 data store calls in your pcall it is going to always fail because once you are on your 7th request you would have already hit your limits. To fix this you should always only ever have one request in each pcall you do. If your data is saved under one big table you will only ever need to do one data store request when the game starts up.
For a better usage of pcall you shouldn’t create a variable outside the pcall to assign the data too. Instead you should do something like this:
local Success, Result = pcall(function()
return DataStore:GetAsync(tostring(Player.UserId))
I can’t see you using any saving methods
From the code that you have provided I can’t see any saving methods because in your PlayerRemoving function you are only getting the players data. The recommend way of saving your data is through UpdateAsync. I won’t be explaining how to specifically do this because there is a great tuturial about using UpdateAsync to save data:
For using BindToClose you may want to look at this post because it example a good method of how to use it:
Basically, What I Need To Do Is Store Them In Tables Then Use UpdateAsync() rather than SetAsync
well if we look here the Cache need to be player.userId.
We Will Save The Values In A Single Table Using DataStore.
I will use DataStore2 if I can but in the mean time you count this as solved
Tables are efficient in every way SetAsync()
Was not good Well Thanks.