Data not saving

i noticed that its been more than a week, and you have neither marked this topic as “solved”, or responded to me for more help.

because of this, ive noticed that you are having trouble with the for loops and the creation of values.

the reason i did

for i, Value in pairs(player.playerstats:GetChildren()) do
	local Thing = {
		["Name"] = Value.Name,
		["Value"] = Value.Value
	table.insert(data, Thing)

instead of something like

local data = {

was so it would be easier to create a third or fourth value, and so on…

if you wanted to add a value, lets say its called “StageCount”, all i would hae to do to add a value was add a

local Stage ="IntValue")
Stage.Name = "StageCount"
Stage.Value = 0
Stage.Parent = playerstats

in the place where the new data is created for new players

this would add a value, then save name and value, then, upon rejoining, player would get a value created based on name and value.

if you save the data like this:

local data = {

then you could load in the data like this:

local coins ="IntValue")
coins.Name = "Coins"
coins.Value = data[1]
coins.Parent = playerstats

local dataId ="IntValue")
dataId.Name = "DataId"
dataId.Value = data[2]
dataId.Parent = playerstats 

instead of the method that i demonstrated

hope i helped! (if you did, would appreciate if you mark a post as the solution, would help a lot of people using this as reference)

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