DataPredict [Release 1.20] - Game-Oriented Machine And Deep Learning Library (Learning AIs, Generative AIs, and more!)

50 is probably enough.

For this AI training place, the server moves the goal post (pun intended) when the AI reaches the goal (sorry).

I’d rather focus on making them on standing upright first though.

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Are you giving the ais information on all parts or raycasting eyes?

Yes. Just straight line forward though, but not sideways.

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Do they have a humanoid inside?

Yes. Similar of those player’s character.

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Done, inspired by AI Learns to Walk (deep reinforcement learning) - YouTube
ai playground.rbxl (67.0 KB)
Scripted this a bit aswell


Ah, thanks. Though the training might take a while due to work. Sorry about that.

would it be possible to use this for something like ai learning how to speak and understand things or whatever

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Short answer.

No, if you are referring to self-learning AIs learning to speak. The self-learning AI can only be based on decision making. However, for the “understanding things”, it really depends. What do you exactly want it to understand?

Long answer:

If you really want the AI to learn how to speak, you need a lot of data. Use LSTM or RNN to train your AI. But even then, I doubt you can collect enough data for training.

Self-Learning AIs with the capability to speak is not possible (yet). This library only covers self-learing AIs with the decision making skills that takes in the environment and output certain actions.

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for understanding things i mean something like telling the ai to do something and then it does exactly what you want

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Not possible with this library. Though, you can say it already exists like ChatGPT.

Don’t expect me to add that. I am employed right now and I don’t really have time for large scale projects like that.

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For something like that you would need to prompt an AI model to write code. ChatGPT is the best API for this. You can send a system message to only respond in code format then recieve the string from the API and execute the string using

LoadString(response.response_text). But you would

function GPT4(inputText)
-- Import the HttpService
-- Define the API URL
	local API_URL =""
-- Define the headers with your authorization key
local headers = {
	["Authorization"] = Bearerkey

-- Define a function to query the API with a payload
local function query(payload)
	-- Encode the payload as a JSON string
	local jsonPayload = HttpService:JSONEncode(payload)
	-- Send a POST request to the API URL with the headers and the payload
	local response = HttpService:PostAsync(API_URL, jsonPayload, Enum.HttpContentType.ApplicationJson, false, headers)
	-- Decode the response as a JSON table
	local jsonResponse = HttpService:JSONDecode(response)
	-- Return the JSON table
	return jsonResponse
-- Define your input text
-- Query the API with your input text as the inputs field
	local output = query({
["system_message"] ="You are a Lua coding assistant in the context of ROBLOX Studio. Only provide your response in code block format and only provide explanations in comments."		
["inputs"] = chatmodule.randomizeString(inputText),
	-- or
	local generatedText = output[1]["generated_text"]
	-- Print the string
	return generatedText
-- Print the output


You can then save this string if it passes into a function key array. You can then use a function like this to input the prompt and store the generated command into an array. This is just concept. I haven’t done it myself but I’ve looked into it. :slight_smile: I’m working on a library of action functions right now, but a more advanced version of this concept here would be good for creating self learning AIs that write their own code using a LLM.

---example of table function
local Labeldb={
	["search query"]=wikidb,
--example of writing a input into an existing table
--- and receiving api input to store the function into an array
function WriteData(playerinput)
local savedfunction=GPT4(playerinput)
Labeldb[playerinput]= function() return savedfunction:LoadString() end --This way the recieved variable is stored and the function is executed with the
--example of calling the command
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He never mentioned about the self-learning AI writing their own code.

(post deleted by author)

Never knew you are an approval-seeking type. Trying to prove me wrong and stuff like that. Shouldn’t have waste your time like this because I certainly wouldn’t give you the validation what you wanted. It’s blatantly obvious here.

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It’s not about seeking approval. I’m just trying to explain my side of the story. If you don’t have an argument or don’t want to listen, just say so.

If you need to explain your side of your story AND post it in public where everyone can see, that is seeking approval. Otherwise you wouldn’t explain it here since you would be confident in your own opinion.

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so you think that it is the module’s fault and not your own?

Yes, I think there is a bug in the library. The main reason why I think that is because the model failed to do a linear regression problem with only one data point. The cost ended up increasing instead of decreasing.

I still don’t see how posting something in public equates to seeking approval. If you said something like it brings unnecessary attention, or that it’s making the thread too long, I would agree. You also shouldn’t ignore the fact that you also posted your stuff in public as well. Also, whether you post in public or not doesn’t determine how confident you are in your opinion.

At this point, believe what you want. I’m getting quite tired of this. I was never trying to prove that you’re 100% right or 100% wrong but rather both.