DataPredict [Release 2.0] - Machine Learning And Deep Learning Library (Learning AIs, Generative AIs, and more!)


and what are “numberOfPlatforms” used for?

Why are you using the Roblox Studio’s properties bar?! You need to use the optimizers inside the DataPredict library. Use the API reference for my library.

You just have to stick with 60 for now.

Announcement: Changes to the Definition of What Qualifies as Commercial Use

Dear Users,

I would like to inform you of an important update regarding the definition of commercial use and the requirements for obtaining a separate commercial agreement.

Previously, a separate commercial agreement was required for companies (and their related entities) whose combined revenue exceeded $1,000 per year. However, after careful consideration and in an effort to streamline the process and reduce the administrative tasks involved, I have decided to increase the threshold to $3,000 within 365 days (not per 365 days).

This change will allow smaller businesses and individual developers more flexibility to use the library without the need for a separate commercial agreement, while ensuring that larger companies or those with substantial revenue engage in the necessary commercial use agreement.

Key Points:

  • A separate commercial agreement is required for companies (or individuals, if applicable) whose combined revenue (including subsidiaries or related entities) exceeds $3,000 within 365 days (not per 365 days). If you exceed this threshold and do not wish to enter into a separate agreement, you must follow the commercial use conditions outlined in the Terms and Conditions.

  • Business-to-business (B2B) activities remain unchanged and still require a separate commercial agreement, regardless of revenue. If you fulfil this condition and do not wish to enter into a separate agreement, you must follow the commercial use conditions outlined in the Terms and Conditions.

This change is aimed at reducing the administrative workload while continuing to foster a community of developers who can benefit from the library.

Thank you for your understanding and continued support.

Best regards,

Aqwam Harish Aiman (a.k.a. MyOriginsWorkshop)

Release Version 1.22 / Beta Version 1.37.0


  • Added MonteCarloControl and OffPolicyMonteCarloControl under “Models” section.

Release Version 2.0 / Beta Version 2.0.0


  • Added SoftActorCritic, DeepDeterministicPolicyGradient and TwinDelayedDeepDeterministicPolicyGradient under “Models” section.

  • DeepQLearning, DeepStateActionRewardStateAction, DeepExpectedStateActionRewardStateAction, ProximalPolicyOptimization models and its variants now have “lambda” argument for TD-Lambda and GAE-Lambda functionality. This includes AdvantageActorCritic model.


  • All internal components now uses TensorL2D instead of MatrixL for full compatibility with DataPredict Neural. TensorL2D can be replaced with TensorL.

  • All constructors now requires a parameter dictionary instead of arguments.

  • The diagonalGaussianUpdate() function now requires actionNoiseVector.

  • Moved RandomNetworkDistillation, GenerativeAdversarialImitationLearning and WassersteinGenerativeAdversarialImitationLearning to “ReinforcementLearningStrategies” section.

  • Renamed DistributedGradients to DistributedGradientsCoordinator and moved to “DistributedTrainingStrategies” section.

  • Renamed DistributedModelParameters to DistributedModelParametersCoordinator and moved to “DistributedTrainingStrategies” section.

  • All reinforcement learning models now require “terminalStateValue” for categoricalUpdate(), diagonalGaussianUpdate() and episodeUpdate() functions.

  • Reimplemented ActorCritic, VanillaPolicyGradient and REINFORCE models.

  • Made major changes with ModelChecker, ModelDatasetCreator and OnlineTraining under the “Other” section.

  • CategoricalPolicyQuickSetup and DiagonalGaussianPolicyQuickSetup no longer have setClassesList() and getClassesList() functions.


  • Fixed CategoricalPolicyQuickSetup and DiagonalGaussianPolicyQuickSetup, where the next action is used in the categoricalUpdate() and diagonalGaussianUpdate() instead of previous action.


  • Removed AsynchronousAdvantageActorCritic from “Models” to reduce maintenance effort. You can use AdvantageActorCritic with DistributedGradientsCoordinator or DistributedModelParametersCoordinator to achieve similar functionalities.

  • Removed “AqwamCustomModels” section and its models.