DataStore Issue. When Adding Money

Yeah, Should of known…
Is there anythin i can do to fix this? situation.

How would I go about making a Reachable Value?

You could try to make it so that when the players’ value change to a certain number, change it back to a limited number, let’s say : 10M. [ use .Changed event on the stats you’re wishing to make that limit on`].

Also, you should use task.wait and not wait.

Is there anyway you can Directly contact me via, Discord? So I can share more of the Code on Screenshare?

so you can see, what I ment i was doing directly that caused the issue.

You could just use the built-in feature the forum has, to format your code here.
You can use the what looks like</> symbol to format your code to look like a script format.

Yes, I’m aware of that. But I’d like to show you what I was doing directly, when the incident happened and How it occurred.

Are not you able to record a video , upload it to gfycat and then share the video here?

No, I’m not. I cannot. for some reason.

It messes up my frames, to record a video. due to my graphics card being absolutly trash at the moment.

Are you able to send a Rbx file of the place? So that I could see and fix it and then send you the fixed file?

Sure, I can do that. I’d be glad to do so. Send me a Request as I’m not sending it here; Barcode#0001

Not sending it here, due to obvious reasons… ( people can steal it… )

You could simply dm me here, on the forum, and send it there. You could then delete the message after I have got it.

You can do that?.. what the, where have I been

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There is an integer limit and you surpassed that limit.

Try using this.

I’m very confused and Puzzled. of a person, Can you explain more of this?

IntValues have a 64-bit integer limit which is 9,223,372,036,854,775,807. If you go higher than the limit, it’ll set to -9,223,372,036,854,775,808.

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How would you go about fixing this issue? with this code:

local ProfileService = require(1936396537)
local Default = 30000
	if debounce == true then
		debounce = false
		local player = script.Parent.Parent.Parent.Parent.Parent
		local cashstore = ProfileService("Cash",player)
		task.wait(.1) -- .
		debounce = true

I fixed the stats!. Thank you~!