Datastore issues

does it matter if i test in studio or in roblox (aka will the datastores be wierd because player1and player2 have wierd uids?)

Actually idk, try both with 2 players and with 1, play test.

same output in studio and roblox and also the edit didn’t work

yeah i think the problem is it never saves for some reason?

Maybe try to change deaths.Value to player.leaderstats.deaths.Value, i mean:

player.leaderstats.deaths.Value = player.leaderstats.deaths.Value + 1

and you can shorten it:

player.leaderstats.deaths.Value += 1

But also, do they showing in Leaderstats Tab? Can you see how many kills/deaths you got? Or it’s just don’t save em.

the kills/deaths work in leaderboard but they don’t save

You can create a DataStore Save Function via the leaderboard being changed or just the leaderboard in general.

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