DataStore Limits & how to efficiently use them

Hello guys! I just wanna know what this means.

Does it mean that If there are 10 players in a server then its 160 requests per minute? or is it 700 Per minute? And If it is 160 requests then how do games manage to save so much ex Simulator games which have unlimited space for pets.

This is what it means.
60 + (Numbers of players in the game) x 10

It’s not situational, which you are trying to do

It’s not like that. The Request limit is just 60 + (Numbers of players in the game) x 10, meaning 60 + How many players are in the game x 10, 60 + and x 10 are not changing, only the numPlayers is.

Oh and, Datastores aren’t what you think they are, it can hold a lot of data if you think legitimately, but it depends on how many players, and how big your data is.
You can use garbage collector to find out the size of something.
This post may help.

You can’t have “unlimited space” because there’s maximum of 4MB data per player.

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