Datastore not saving inside studio?

When you run an RPG, or a game with live events. How are you meant to properly control the data or assign prizes in-game that’ll save on the datastore? It’s far easier to manage this data on a front like attributes and have the datastore handle that data on the backend as normal. It makes it easier for Game Masters to do their job. There’s a reason ROBLOX designed new ways of doing things.

EDIT: there’s nothing wrong with doing things the old fashioned way, but that way doesn’t allow me to do what I need to do.

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Figured out the issue, it was the color3 values for skin tone. Not sure why, but I guess the datastore I have going can’t properly handle and document the values for color3s. Remove this attribute had things working as normal.

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You can try Saving the Values Separately within a Table. like this:

C3Val = {
    R = .3,
    G = .3,
    B = .2,

However there is likely a more efficient way than this.

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Yeah most likely, I’ll have to look into adapting the way I’m handling the data because this is a MAJOR oversight.

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