Datastore Problems

I am done testing, nothing found.

The print does not appear in the output.

It was put inside of the Player Removing function, are you sure it was ran?

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yes, I bought a weapon from my alt and then made it leave the game.

Then the game is saving an empty table

local weapons = game.ServerStorage.PlayerData[player.Name].Inventory:GetChildren()

this is most likely your problem, does the inventory get cleared before it gets the children, and if not is there anything inside of it?

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I think I know a way to test this. give me a second.

I bought the weapon, and then switched to the server and checked player_data and it was inside of my inventory

Sorry, Iā€™m not sure. You seem to be doing everything correctly from what I can see. I really donā€™t know. It should be working

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Thatā€™s why I thought it was an Roblox issue

Thank you for helping me at least :slight_smile:

Should I repost this as an bug report?


You cannot identify the problem because you are ignoring the error. pcall is used to catch errors, in which it returns a bool and a string. However, you arenā€™t using the returned values, which makes debugging harder. Please utilize the fullness of pcall; do not ignore what it returns because it is VERY important to datastores.

Also, I noticed this line:


I am not sure if it is a typo, but itā€™s supposed to be dataStores:SetAsync.


The problem was that Async was spelt incorrect, I made this game twice and spelt Async incorrect twice

Can you explain how to utilize the fullness of pcall, I am a new scripterā€¦

pcall returns two values: a bool and a string. The bool can be true or false.

If there is an error, it returns false, then the string will consist of the error message. But if there is no error, it will return true and there is no string returned. pcall can be used like this:

local success,message = pcall(function()
    -- stuff

If you notice, there is two variables in one local. This is how you get both returned values in pcall.

To use the fullness of pcall, you would check if the bool is true or false. If it is false, then print the message.

local success,message = pcall(function()
    error("Test error")

if not success then
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I am a bit confused, how would i use this in my script?

I would suggest saving data as a table as then you wouldnā€™t have to do multiple GetAsync as it is a bad idea as thereā€™s a limit to how many times a minute you can use it

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the thing is, I donā€™t exactly know how to do thatā€¦

You can do

local data = {}
data[1] = --Data to store
data[2] = --Data to store

after all you have to do is just save the data table.
and to get the data you can just do player_data = dataStore:GetAsync(key) and then you can just do player_data[1] to get the data

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