DataStore Question

Is there a way to make one datastore contain a lot of data for different things such as gems, coins, and more?
How would you access this aswell?

Each datastore can have infinite keys, each key can have 4mb of data.

I used this: How to use DataStore2 - Data Store caching and data loss prevention on one of my projects, worked really well.

I use ProfileService, works really well.

DataStore2 is basically useless (correct me if I’m wrong) now that DataStore v2 came out.

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Was about 2 years since I used it so you’re probably correct :wink:

How do you have two values in one Datastore and then be able to access a singular DataStore?

You can save tables to datastore keys.

I suggest you look into datastores because you are basically asking “How to use DataStoreService”

Here’s good beginner video

Alright, thanks for the help.


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