DataStore v2.0 - Now Officially Launched!

Nice I have been waiting for this! Hope it works great!


Yes. That is a good example. Listing can be considered simple query works just based on the key. Querying/Indexing features that will come in the future will make it possible to filter items based on the metadata.

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If this turns out to be an issue, we will consider expanding ListKeysAsync to optionally return metadata/data as well .


Yes, that is our goal. It may not be sql , but yeah querying feature will provide similar functionality.


I haven’t really used datastore’s that much but I have used them before and whenever I make my next datastore this will probably help in the future.

Will previous datastore saves be wiped?

No, this update is backwards compatible.

Yay! Thanks for adding this. Keep up the good updates. :slight_smile:

It better not be SQL, I dont like it’s syntax :roll_eyes:. But I would love such feature, perhaps similar implementation like MongoDB has?

const perennials = await plants.find({ type: "perennial" });
console.log("perennials", perennials);

Hi everyone,

We wanted to share a notice on a recent issue with the automatic versioning backup system. While most of you have not yet needed to use backups, as they would only be required if your experience had a data issue, we want to be transparent on the status of the system in the rare case it affects you.

The backup system is designed to store older versions of data for up to 30 days. A recent investigation uncovered an issue where versions that were less than 30 days old were being incorrectly flagged and deleted. This only impacted version history and did not impact the most recent version. It has since been fixed going forward and there should not be any noticeable changes or issues for users playing your experiences. Additionally we are investigating solutions to better protect these backups.

When calling the ListVersionsAsync() API, you may only find a limited number of previous versions before November 17. Please note the automatic versioning is still working, and you will continue to see new versions being created as your experience updates your datastore. While we fixed this issue and going forward no backup data will be lost, we are investigating other solutions to better protect these backups.

The Roblox Team


Has this been implemented already? I’m trying to search through some data in my older game that unfortunately uses GetGlobalDataStore. If this change hasn’t been made yet, is there any way to search for keys in a GlobalDataStore returned by GetGlobalDataStore?

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I am still suffering from the fact that OrderedDatastores don’t support version 2 features, this means that ListDatastores and the GDPR compliance system cannot be used. Which has made my development experience a lot harder since I have a global leaderboard for every month of the year with-in my game.

We are currently working on the support for this.

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I want to make a recommendation of what could be included in your next DataStore update and it could be very useful in many aspects and types of projects and it is that you can:

  • Being able to get data as HTTP requests, for example: get all players who have exactly 100 coins; It would be similar to: ds/players?coins=100, or you could exploit the limits like: get all the players that have “magic” as an element level, it would be like ds/players?level=magic and these players are placed in a table as the HTTP responses.

I believe that if it were done this way, many things could be done like in the previous example; place all players with magic level in a ranking assuming that the magic level is maximum. And that is just an example, but many things could be done in this way and situations such as: data duplication, search for http servers with doubtful security, creation of another data store (to organize data or another reason) could be avoided. , and many more.

I think it could be useful, greetings! :wave:


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