DataStore2, DataStore Editor, and Data Loss Prevention

Hello all,

One time, when I was in a server with about eight other people, I migrated the server to a later version of the game. Everyone lost the in-game currency that they had gained in that session. This brings up two major issues: how to migrate servers and push out mass updates without causing data loss, and how to access people’s data using DataStore Editor. I’m of course using DataStore2, but I have no idea how to access the data using this plugin even after looking at the documentation for both DS2 and the editor. Any help would be greatly appreciated. :wink:


I have accessed DataStore2 with the editor before, using this method:

More info here:

I was under the impression that DS2 saves on .PlayerRemoving, so I’m unsure of why you lost data. Kampfkarren also mentioned that it works on migrating to latest version, so something else is most likely is in play here.
Question Answered here:

Extra tips: When on Mega-Threads like the DS2 one, CMD-F or CTRL-F to search for applicable terms like Migrate to Latest Update or DataStore Editor. If you do not find applicable topics through the devforum search bar, you can always use google.

Finally, while I have seen these posts before and knew where they were, a few extra minutes of searching won’t hurt either. Hope this helps! :wink:

Thank you so much. : )
I will look into the data loss issue further and post on here what I find. Maybe it can help someone else.

I know this already has a solution, but I’ve found that Datastore2 doesn’t save very well when shutting down servers. I was always using it correctly, but it got worse as time went on. Moving to regular datastore instead of DS2 fixed it completely.

It’s interesting that you say that because the maker of DS2 says that it works. And since so many developers use DS2, I’d think it’d be more of a prevalent issue. It’s possible that both of us had an oversight but I could be wrong. Worst case scenario, I’ll just add my own migrator that automatically teleports someone to a new server (if that’s possible).